Adam is still waiting on the Gun Club Lady to see if we can get 07/25/09 reserved.
Beckie is working on the invites and reply cards, so we will need everyones address, if she does not have it either myself or Beckie will be calling to get it.
Adam will be taking care of the food/menu for the event. He will be contacting people he needs for help.
Nancy has opened up a bank accout for the donations that are needed to help pay for this event. The invitations will state more details and the $ can be sent with the reply cards.
We will need several volunteers to help for this party to set-up and clean-up, also if anyone has ideas for entertainment during the lunch/dinner, please let us know.
Lisette and Amy any hotel rates?
Who can Host a family or two?
Sounds good...time to start getting things started.
I'll double check the rates and get back to you soon.
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