Thursday, November 6, 2008

Email addresses

If you would like to contribute to this blog, just leave your email and I'll add you to the site.



Larry and Yvonne said...

There are a lot of family memebers that we don't have email address for, spreading the word by talking about it would be very helpful!! I know we have none of tia ninfa's family, tia nena's family and tio evelio's family and some of tio paul's family, so if you have them or can get them, send it to beckie so they too can join the fun!

Anonymous said...

HI, Beckie, We voted for the last weekend in July. Having it catered would be easier. We look forward to more updates. Cecilia and David

rebeccaharper said...

Thanks for you vote Cecil.. I think catering is a good idea also.. Do you think everyone would pay an equal amount?

Larry and Yvonne said...

The invites to join this blog have been sent out to several members of the family and they haven't responded....If you see your family members ask them if they have joined the group and if they don't know what your talking about post their email address here so we can make sure no one gets left out!! There are lots of the washington families that have not joined us....